Madivin in the press

Madivin, the best-selling bottle

The Lyon Tribune 23 Dec 2021 DAVID GOSSART

Thomas Gautier set up Madivin, associated with his father.

I love winegrowing, and it’s an environment where I meet so many people. And every time I left a winery, I thought it was a shame that the winegrowers themselves were not more identified! Thomas Gautier left his job at Danone, joined forces with his father and launched Madivin in Lyon in February, a brand incubated at emlyon whose vocation is to promote “pretty vintages, in pretty places, wines with good “drinkability”, not too astringent nor too complex, for bottles of 10 to 12 euros, and from intermediate estates, between 10 and 250 ha”.

The principle: create a special vintage for Madivin with the winemaker and bottles with a recognizable design – the winemaker’s face accompanied by easy-to-remember keywords; a QR code that gives access to the history of the place, the person… The brand is superimposed on the domain. “In any case, 76% of people say that the appellation is not a decisive criterion. Madivin will therefore serve as a trusted third party for the consumer, and wants to value the work of the professional. We buy between 15 and 20% above the bulk price. And with a connected collar system, we can follow the path of purchase of the bottles, and share data and commission with the restaurant owner who sells the bottles.

With five wines created, 90 points of sale and a growing number of hectoliters sold, Madivin is heading for a first year with 100,000 euros in sales, and a 76% buyout rate. “Within two years, we would like to reach ten wines and increase the volume with each winemaker.”

Madivin – Behind each of our wines, there is someone 🍷 🍇

20 décembre 2021 HERVE TROCCAZ

Madivin, a Lyon-based brand, creates organic cuvées in collaboration with passionate winegrowers.
“Behind each of our wines there is someone”… This is the slogan of Madivin, a company that offers a special vintage highlighting several winemakers, under the same brand name.

At the origin of this concept: Thomas Gautier, a former Danone employee. The young man joined forces with his father and launched Madivin in February 2021. This brand is incubated at EM Lyon. Its vocation: to highlight winegrowers, in estates ranging from 10 to 250 hectares. The bottles are sold for 10 to 12 euros.
Madivin: a special vintage created in consultation with the owner of the domain
In short, it is a special cuvée created in consultation with the owner of the domain, with bottles with a recognizable design: the photo of the winegrower accompanied by a few words. In addition, you can scan a QR vcode to learn more about the history of the estate.
In short, the brand is superimposed on the domain. Eventually, Madivin will serve as a label of trust.

Madivin: 5 bottles and 90 points of sale
11 months after its creation, the brand has 90 points of sale and five wine creations. Within two years, Thomas Gautier aims to create ten wines.
The young man works with Kelly, former Head Sommelier of Alain Ducasse and Christian Etienne in Paris, Las Vegas and Monaco. But also two oenologists Cyril and Benjamin.
Hervé Troccaz

Vins bio : Madivin met le vigneron à l’honneur

Quand on parle d’un vin, on évoque un terroir ou une appellation, plus rarement le vigneron…

Partant de ce constat et souhaitant mettre en avant les hommes et les femmes de la terre, leur travail, leur singularité et même leur visage, Madivin propose une palette de vins bio en mettant en avant le vigneron.

Ecoutez les explications de Thomas Gautier, co-fondateur de Madivin